Best student oral and poster presentations at SEFS11

EFYR is proud to announce the best oral and poster student presentations at SEFS11 in Zagreb. The awards were given on Friday 5 July during the closing ceremony.
The Awardees are:
1. Juan David González-Trujillo "Historical legacies and contemporary constrains explain invertebrate and diatom metacommunity structure within a heterogeneous basin"
Juan David González-Trujillo was awarded the 1st Colin Reynolds Prize for best oral presentation by a young scientist!
2. Thomas Fuss "Regional controls on photosynthesis-irradiance relationships of benthic algae in the Vjosa river network"
3. Stefano Brighenti "Characterisation of a rock glacial stream under a multitrophic approach"
1. Hazel Wilson "Anthropogenic litter supports distinctive macroinvertebrate communities in urban streams"
2. Judit Fekete "Detection of Cordulegaster (Insecta: Odonata) species via eDNA"
3. Laura Coulson "Effects of drought length on the hyporheic microbial processes of intermittent streams"