Winners of the 2nd Collaborative European Freshwater Science Project for Young Researchers - FreshProject

The call for the "2nd Collaborative European Freshwater Science Project for Young Researchers - FreshProject" was again a success and four proposals were submitted to evaluation:
1. European standing waters across climate and urbanization gradients: community in a pot. PIs: Bruno M. Carreira and Camille Musseau. 2. ß-POND: Relative importance of spatial and environmental processes as key modulators of the macrophyte biodiversity and structure patterns in ponds: A Pan-European approach. PIs: Jorge Garcia-Giron and Marco J. Cabrerizo. 3. Urban Algae- Ecological Status and the Perception of Ecosystem Services of Urban Ponds. PIs: Sonia Herrero Ortega and Cleo N. Stratmann 4. EuroMelt - Evolution of primary production and decomposition of organic matter across European high altitude meltwater streams. PI: Georg H. Niedrist
A Jury composed by five members among the National Representatives in the Board of the EFFS, including EFYR Representatives, completed the hard work to assess the proposals. All were of high scientific value and fulfilled the criteria set in the call. However, one project was scored as outstanding and selected.
We have thus the pleasure to announce that the competitive call for the "2nd Collaborative European Freshwater Science Project for Young Researchers - FreshProject" has now reached the end of the first stage and the winners are:
Sonia Herrero Ortega (member of AIL) and Cleo N. Stratmann (member of DGL) who submitted the project proposal “Urban Algae- Ecological Status and the Perception of Ecosystem Services of Urban Ponds”.
Sonia Herrero Ortega is currently based at the Department of Experimental Limnology, Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries –IGB-, Germany. Cleo N. Stratmann is based at the Department of Aquatic Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology -NIOO-KNAW-, The Netherlands.
The abstract of the project can be downloaded by clicking the link on this page.
As requested in the call, the first results of the granted project will be presented at the next SEFS meeting, which will be held in 2019 in Zagreb (Croatia).
We wish to thank all the young researchers who entered the competition and submitted their proposals. This first phase of selection involved people from different parts of Europe, who often are working and studying in countries different from that where they were born. This gives a good indication about the capacity of international integration and cooperation of European young researchers.
Congratulations to the winners of our call and best wishes for successfully completing their project!!!